«Kajaran Medical Center» CJSC is one of the leading medical centers of the Republic of Armenia, providing various medical services - therapeutic, surgical, pediatric, obstetric and gynecological.
The center is equipped with the most modern equipment. In particular, sonographic and echocardiographic examinations performs with a high-grade HD11 ultrasound probe, which enables comprehensive research. The center also has a treadmill test and holter monitoring.
Thanks to the latest Japanese gastrointestinal endoscopy «Pentax Medical», researches of the stomach and duodenum performs here.
X-ray equipment «Siemens Luminos RF» is the only one in the region and it allows the patients to obtain high-quality research results in a shorter time.
The surgical department is also equipped with the most advanced equipment, including new generation equipment needed for laboratory operations.
Obstetric and gynecological services provides in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The department is equipped with the equipment needed for neonatal intensive care and has the necessary equipment for maternity care.
The laboratory also has modern equipment: automatic hematological, biochemical, immunological analyzers and coagulometers produced by «Roch», which performed clinical and biochemical blood tests, general urinalysis and other tests.
A special blood test is also performed for patients with diabetes, and the latest generation equipment is used to conduct thyroid studies, as well as to detect cancer, hormones, vitamins, infections, cardiomarkers.
The rooms of the medical center are also equipped with modern multifunctional beds with all necessary amenities.
During the past five years, the center has had 130 births, 301 people underwent surgery, 376 adults and 160 children receiving treatment in the therapeutic department, the number of outpatient visits reaching 68628, the number of ambulance calls - 4611